
CarKhana by car&bike - Episode 2 | @RannvijayOfficial & Ajay Jadeja

CarKhana by car&bike - Episode 2 | @RannvijayOfficial & Ajay Jadeja
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Nov 7, 2022 12:45 PM

CarKhana by car&bike - Episode 2 | @RannvijayOfficial & Ajay Jadeja

We're back with Episode 2 of CarKhana - a car&bike original series! For this Cricket World Cup special, relish the twists and turns of beautiful Indore with our host @RannvijayOfficial and cricketing legend Ajay Jadeja. Starting from the car&bike Indore Superstore, the duo steers its way through to the famous Chappan Dukan, where they enjoy delectable local delicacies and share some fun stories! Subscribe for more episodes. Link to the CarKhana Series: https://carandbike.com/carkhana -- Time Stamps: 00:00 - Introduction 02:12 - In conversation with Ajay Jadeja. 04:41 - First game of the day 06:56 - The car of the day 07:57 - Q&A with Ajay Jadeja. 13:12 - Arrival at Chappan Indore 13:41 - Chaat-Chat 14:17 - The food is here! 16:17 - Ajay Jadeja's sweet recommendation 17:22 - Until next time! MORE FROM C&B