Technology News

Maruti Suzuki to Bring Range of Hybrid Cars to India?
The company has already showcased the Swift Range Extender and we have spoken at length about the product. But the new one on the horizon is the Wagon R Hybrid.

A Video Game to Show How Dangerous Texting While Driving Is
May 13, 2015 05:19 PM
A video game to help people understand the risks posed by using their phone while driving. The game, called SMS Racing, gives users a firsthand experience of the aforementioned perils.

Google's Self-Driving Cars Involved in 11 Accidents in 6 Years
May 12, 2015 03:33 PM
These accidents involved Google's cars being hit from behind 7 times, mostly at traffic lights.

Uber Aims to Raise $2 Billion; Expected Valuation to Touch $50 Billion
May 11, 2015 07:57 PM
Uber is planning to raise $1.5 billion - $2 billion in the next round of funding. If the ride-sharing company manages to raise that amount, it will become worth about $50 billion, which could give it the status of the most valuable venture-backed startup.

Bosch Working on Affordable Safety Features for India
May 8, 2015 09:41 PM
India's track record has not been good when it comes to road safety. 1.4 million people die every year due to road accidents and the number is increasing as the days pass. Safety of the occupants and pedestrians cannot be taken lightly and even car manufacturers have started to realise that.

Daimler Trucks Drives World's First Autonomous Truck on Public Road
May 6, 2015 08:38 PM
We'd told you about the autonomous technology that Daimler Trucks was working on and now they've become the world's first manufacturer to be granted a road license for an autonomous heavy-duty truck.

Maps Will Help Save More Fuel, Says Audi
May 6, 2015 06:56 PM
The predictive efficiency assistant recognizes curves, roundabouts and intersections, descents and ascents, as well as municipality border signs and speed limit signs - often before the driver even sees them. Drivers who fully utilize this features can reduce fuel consumption by up to ten percent.

Porsche and BMW Reveal Their Apps For the Apple Watch
Apr 27, 2015 10:25 PM
BMW and Porsche have unveiled their new apps for the Apple Watch which will allow their respective users to have all the information they need about the car at their fingertips.

Audi Starts Production of Water-Based E-Diesel
Apr 24, 2015 06:55 PM
The toll that conventional fuels take on the environment has been the subject of several discussions all over the world and rightly so. Taking another step in this direction, Audi has come up with a synthetic fuel that could contribute significantly to climate protection - Audi e-diesel.

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