Technology News

Audi Seeks Closer Ties To Porsche In Cost-Cutting Drive
Audi will make greater use of vehicle platforms and technologies developed with Porsche and Volkswagen as it embarks on a 15 billion euro cost cutting and efficiency drive, Chief Executive Bram Schot said.

Virtual Pedestrians Pave Way To Safer Roads For Driverless Cars
Mar 15, 2019 04:18 PM
A "virtual human" suddenly steps out at a blind bend, but the engineer in the Volvo car's driving seat on the test track doesn't flinch, leaving it to software to take evasive action.

Steelbird Launches New Social Networking and E-Commerce Platform
Mar 13, 2019 11:43 PM
Steelbird India which predominantly is a helmet and auto accessories maker is also known for exploring various businesses, be it the entertainment industry or exporting garments. Marking 55 years of its presence in the Indian market, the company today ventured into the technology space with a rather unique form of social networking and E-Commerce platform- the Steelbird connect. The fanciest bit about the Steelbird Connect is its share & earn feature. People can earn money by uploading and sharing content on this platform. For instance, if you upload a video on this platform with a bid of Rs. 10, the amount will be credited in your wallet every time someone shares your video on any social network including Steelbird connect. In-turn, the person sharing it will also receive the allocated part of the amount.

Bid Goodbye To Traffic, Intel Top Boss Says Flying Cars Will Become Reality In Five Years
Mar 12, 2019 12:47 AM
The next big thing in transportation is the possibility of autonomous flying cars. And if Intel's drone chief, Anil Nanduri, is to be believed, we may be seeing flying cars as early as in the next five years. In an exclusive interview with Cnet, Nanduri talked about the future of technology with flying cars as the most definite innovation. While the flying cars won't be available at scale, but Nanduri believes, it surely will start showing up in the sky.

Hyundai Develops Smartphone Based Digital Key
Mar 8, 2019 07:42 PM
Hyundai Motor Group announced the development of a Digital Key, which allows users to unlock and start a vehicle via their smartphone. Replacing a traditional physical key, the new Digital Key can be downloaded via an app and can be used by up to four authorised people.

Erik Buell Is Resurrected With Fuell Electric Bikes
Mar 7, 2019 01:55 AM
Fuell is a new company founded by Erik Buell with two new partners, and the first two electric two-wheelers have been announced - the Flow and Fluid.

Olectra-BYD Deploys 40 Electric Buses In Hyderabad; Now Has Over 100 e-Buses In India
Mar 7, 2019 01:20 AM
Olectra-BYD, the joint venture between Olectra Greentech and BYD Auto Industry Company, has announced deploying 40 units of its 12-metre eBuzz K9 electric buses in Hyderabad.

Delhi Gets First Automated Driving Test Centre; To Be Maintained By Maruti Suzuki India
Mar 6, 2019 08:14 PM
Delhi today got its first ever fully Automated Driving Test Centre (ADTC). Developed in collaboration with Maruti Suzuki India, the test centres will be maintained by the carmaker for three years.

Avan Motors To Launch Range Of New Electric Scooters
Mar 6, 2019 11:51 PM
Avan Motors already has the Xero + which was launched last year and comes with a price of Rs. 47,000 (ex-showroom).

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