
What Would You Do If Your Car Gets Stuck In A Flood-Like Situation?

Floods are the worst nightmare for every car owner. If you find yourself stuck amidst a flood, this article has come to your rescue!

By car&bike Team


1 mins read


Published on June 13, 2022

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    The rainy season is here, so it is a nightmare for all car owners! Unfortunately, floods are the most common natural disasters. What is more unfortunate is that floods account for the most asset damage. 

    Although we hope this never happens to you, but in the future if you are ever stranded in your car in a flood-like situation, it´s always good to know what you need to do. For most owners, panicking would be the most obvious response. We recommend you not panic and work towards rescuing yourself and your car from the circumstance. This article has gathered all the things you can do in such a circumstance. 

    Tips for Rescuing a Stuck Car in Flood:

    Never Turn On The Engines:

    One of the worst mistakes you can make at this point is trying to start the car. Starting the engine is the recipe for risks in this situation. If the car stops in the flooded region, turning on the engine can damage it. Trying to turn on the engine can force it into a hydro lock. A hydro lock is a situation that can cause fatal damage to the engine pistons. 


    Escape the Car Before It Submerges

    We know you want to save your beloved car. However, it is more important to save your life than an asset. It is a no-brainer that you should focus on escaping when trapped inside a flooding car. Since the floods can worsen anytime, escaping the car would be a bright idea. Once you escape, you can make better decisions and try to save your vehicle. 


    Ring Your Insurance Company 

    You must ensure that the flood-caused damage doesn't drain you into financial troubles. Ring your insurance company and inform them about the situation once you are out of the car and in a safe spot. For most insurance policies, flood damage comes under comprehensive insurance. As a result, you might be able to save yourself from losing the car forever. Also, insurance companies will be busy with incoming calls at such a time, so it is better to start the process early. 

    Get Your Car Towed

    You have escaped and already called the insurance company? Perfect! It's time to save your vehicle from the situation. Call the emergency services partner or the car manufacturer to get your vehicle towed. Ensure your vehicle reaches a safe spot where it can dry off and be assessed for damages. The best spot to tow your vehicle is to the nearest service centre to get immediate attention for your vehicle. 

    Plan The Insurance Claim Process

    The last thing to do here is to assess the damage and accordingly file for claims. You should plan out the repair process and be constantly in touch with the insurance company. Keep tracking the insurance claims so that you don't find yourself in financial trouble once the repairs are done. 


    Floods can introduce a slew of problems for your vehicle. However, if you take a proactive approach, your vehicle can slide back into the garage unharmed!

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