Types of Driving Licences in India

You can go wherever you want to. But unless you get your driving license, the whole experience remains elusive. In India, if you want to drive on the roads, then having a driving license is mandatory. The Motor Vehicle Act of 1988 prohibits anyone from driving who does not possess a valid driving licence.
A driving licence is a legal document that permits one to drive on the road. If you are driving without a licence, then be careful! It is a legal offense and can lead to severe legal complexities, including monetary compensation and disqualification. There are several types of vehicles that people drive on the road. For example, there are two-wheelers, four-wheelers, and even commercial ones. And for every type of vehicle, there are several types of licenses. Your driving licence is the permit for you to drive a car, truck, bike, bus, etc. It clearly dictates and gives you the authorization that you know how to drive and have gone through tests to prove your capabilities as well.

Driving brings a sense of freedom, a sense of comfort. A convenient way to go anywhere you want. But it must not cause any harm to others. From 18 years of age, adults are entitled to get a driving licence only after passing the tests and knowing all the traffic rules. If a person fails to clear that test, he will get three more chances to pass it. Anyone below this age does not have permission to drive, and if they violate the rule, the consequences will be legally handled. There are four types of driving licences that get issued in India. They are-

Learner's Driving Licence
When you start driving a two-wheeler or four-wheeler, you must know that it's not the time for you to get a permanent driving licence. Before you get the permanent one, you get the learner's licence which has only six months of validation. You must clear your test and practice driving under an experienced driver.
Permanent Driving Licence
After six months of completing the learner's quest, one can apply for a permanent driving licence. You should be 18 years or above to apply for it. You need to clear the test first to get a permanent driving license. In India, if by any chance you fail the test, you will be given three more chances and can be back after seven days. A permanent licence can be used once the RTO is happy with your test result. Around this time, you would start driving, so be careful to get car insurance as soon as you buy a new car.
Commercial Driving Licence
A commercial driving licence is issued when you own a heavy vehicle and drive it, such as a truck, bus, etc. As these types of vehicles carry passengers and goods, a commercial driving licence is a must-have.
International Driving Permit
An international driving permit allows you to rent a vehicle and drive in another country. To get an IDP, you must have a permanent driving licence and a learner's driving licence. Only then can you apply for an IDP. In India, you can get this driving permit after 4-5 days of filling out form 4. There is a separate driving test that you must clear to get the permit.

To Conclude
Getting a licence has become very easy since using an online portal became handy. From now on, you can keep track of when you will get your licence after you apply for one and pass the test. You can also contact the RTO for a licence if you cannot use the online portal. Keep all these factors in mind before applying.