Understanding The Lifespan Of A Tyre And When To Change It
Every car owner should remember that tyres do not have a specific expiration date. When considering a tyre change, you should keep in mind that this must be swapped out after ten years. Moreover, the right time to change the tyres can vary from one car to another.
There are tons of factors that contribute to tyre wear and tear. For instance, if you use your car extensively for long journeys or driving on rough terrains, the tyres might require swapping sooner. Scroll down to learn more about the lifespan of tyres and when you should change them!
How Long Do Tyres Last?
As we mentioned before, tyres do not come with an expiration date. There is no exact figure that indicates the lifespan of a tyre. In a nutshell, there is no precise way to determine the lifespan of your vehicle's tyres. But, the amount of care, road conditions, climate, driver's habits, and design can be contributing factors to determining the lifespan.
When to Change Car Tyres
Here are some tips that will help you understand the best time to change your car's tyres:
- The Five-Year Rule: Make sure to take your vehicle's tyres for a thorough inspection after five years. For most vehicle owners, the tyres start showing damage after this period. The inspection will help point out underlying damages and determine if replacement is required.
- Don't Exceed Ten Years: If the tyres have exceeded ten years after their date of manufacture, you should replace them. After such a long timeframe, the tyres might not be in the condition to safely manoeuvre.
- Low Tread Depth: Tread loss is a significant indicator of replacement. The low tread is a glaring sign that drivers can physically identify on the tyres. You can also conduct the penny test on the tyre's treads. Additionally, keep an eye on the built-in tread wear indicators.
- Rough Driving Experience: It might happen that you are suddenly experiencing a high level of tyre noise or vibration. This odd noise might be a sign the tyres require swapping. In such a case, you should take the tyres for a professional inspection to determine the need for replacement.
So, the truth is that you can never pre-determine the lifespan of your car's tyres. However, keeping in mind the above tips can help you decide the right time for a change. Make sure to follow these tips to keep your car in good health!