Understanding the Function of Tyre Pressure

- There are several ways to check the optimal tyre pressure for a car.
- The car manual contains information on the tyre pressure for car
- The tyres cannot have cracks that leak air and reduce the pressure
Checking on the tyre pressure is one of the most crucial aspects of driving a car. Maintaining the recommended tyre pressure is extremely crucial for a comfortable riding experience. Without the proper tyre pressure, there are chances of accidents and grave injuries to the car or the passengers. It is important to know the accurate air pressure levels to avoid causing any damage to the tyres, and this is something that all drivers should be aware of. If the pressure is not at the desired levels, it must be rectified immediately.

Underinflated tyres
This should be pretty obvious that driving on underinflated tyres will be catastrophic. The underinflation increases the friction between the road and the tyres, making it difficult to drive. Underinflated tyres could damage the steering and the suspension system of the car.

Overinflated tyres
One of the major myths surrounding over-inflated tyres is that they save fuel. That is not true. Overinflation decreases the friction between the road and the tyre. That isn't good news since that makes it more difficult for the driver to control the car.
Recommended tyre pressure
Generally, the most commonly recommended tyre pressure is 32-35 psi for cars. If that is the case, even 36-38 psi will be fine for the user. Any pressure lesser than that is dangerous and can prove dangerous (like 28 psi).
The tyre pressures for bikes are different from cars. The recommended air pressure for road tyres that are used for general travel purposes is 80-130 psi; for tyres specifically meant for mountain bikes, it is 25-30 psi, and the hybrid tyres that are used for both purposes can have air pressure requirements between 40-70 psi.

Photo Credit: pixabay.com
Trucks need higher tyre pressures to support the extensive weight of the chassis, the body, and the cargo itself. The recommended pressure for truck tyres is about 105 psi. Anything less than that can be problematic.
In the case of drifting, the tyre pressure varies for the front and the rear tyres. The rear tyres should have tyre pressure in the 10-15 psi range. The front tyres should be somewhere in the 30-35 psi range.
How to check the tyre pressure?
- The first step is to check the tyre pressure with cold tyres. So, allow the car to rest overnight and then check the pressure.
- The second step is to use a pressure gauge to check the pressure. Note down the readings and compare them with the recommended psi.
- If the tyre is underinflated, then fill the tyre up to the recommended pressure. If the tyre is overinflated, then reduce some of the pressure.
- After the tyre is filled, use the pressure gauge again to check the pressure and note down the difference.
Having complete knowledge regarding the desired air pressure levels for tyres is extremely important for a comfortable riding experience.