Transmission Failure- Everything You Need To Know!

- Automatic transmission systems were introduced to the world in 1939!
- There are a total of 4 different types of transmissions
- Transmission systems require high-quality fluids for their working
Cars can be tricky to understand. At any given time, some part of the entire system might malfunction. No car owner would want these problems to cause discomfort or permanent damages. Transmission problems can be a common cause of worry, especially automatic transmission systems. Several signs indicate the cause of these problems.

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Here are some of the most important factors that indicate something being amiss with the transmission system: -
Grinding sensation in the gear
The gear-changing should be smooth as silk. If the car refuses to change gears smoothly or the driver can hear some grinding sensation while changing the gears, the transmission is at fault here. Generally, these sensations grow worse over time and cause a host of problems.

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Cars not engaging while in gear
Look for two signs: check whether the car immediately responds when put in drive or reverse or is there a delay and check whether there is no response from the car when both these actions are taken. This could mean that the transmission fluid has degraded. In addition, the driver might face troubles with the computer system, which could point towards transmission problems.
Noises while the car is in neutral
If the driver hears noises while the car is in a neutral position that might not have been heard before, the transmission might have some problems. Most probably, the transmission fluid is at fault here. The fluid keeps the mechanical parts well lubricated and fully functional. However, the noises could also mean one of these mechanical parts wearing out and faltering, requiring immediate attention.
Burning smell
The transmission fluid needs to be in optimum condition and quantity for the system to work. If there is a burning smell coming from the car, it needs to be fixed immediately. Most probably, the transmission fluid has degraded, causing the mechanical parts to grind against each other, causing heat from friction. The transmission fluid might have been overheated, or the quantity of the fluid must have been reduced. All of these factors require immediate correction.

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Slipping gears
If the car starts to lose traction while traveling, that might need to be fixed immediately. The computer system or software tells the transmission system when to change gears. If the system malfunctions, the gears start slipping, and the car might spiral out of control which might be dangerous.
Leaking transmission fluid
Look for any red-colored liquid underneath your car or on the driveway. If that is the case, it means that the fluid is leaking. Now, this fluid doesn't leak over time or due to travel – there might be a leak somewhere else. However, if left unchecked, these leaks can cause considerable damage to the engine.
Engine light
The engine light is a very useful tool that can tell the user about any problems that might be happening in the car. For example, if the indicator light is on, there might be a chance that the transmission is at fault and needs immediate fixing.
If the fault is too complicated for you to understand, seeking an expert opinion is the best way forward.