Top 5 Brake Oil Leakage Symptoms Of Your Car - Check All Details!

- If the car flashes a brake warning light - high chances of break leakage
- Check for break oil leakage if you spot a yellowish liquid underside
- Are your brakes less resistant than usual? Get it checked
First of all, you need to look at the underside of the vehicle, and if you spot an unfamiliar yellowish liquid, the cause of your worry may be brake oil leakage.
Most Common Symptoms of Brake Oil Leakage:
The signs mentioned below will help you determine if the poor performance of your car's brakes is due to the brake oil leakage or is it something else.
Listed below are the most common symptoms of brake oil leakage:
The Brake Warning Light

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If the brake warning light of your car is flashing, it is clear that something is wrong with your brakes. As the warning light glows, it may mean that the fluid level in the master cylinder is low, resulting from brake oil leakage. It may also have some other potential causes, but it is still recommended to take your car to the nearest mechanic for a check.
Presence of a Puddle of Fluid at the Underside of Your Car
The most apparent indication of brake oil leakage is spotting a puddle of liquid under your car. However, your car functions with many other types of fluids, and not every leakage is linked to brake oil leakage. To make things more precise, you must focus on the colour of the leaking fluid. If you find the fluid to be clear yellow to dark brown, there is a high chance of brake oil leakage.
Brakes Feel Less Resistant

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Do you have a feeling that the brakes feel less resistant than usual? The sign indicates some issues with the master cylinder or a brake oil leakage. You may try to pump your brakes many times, and still, there is no pressure building up; it may be a symptom of a brake oil leakage.
The Pedal Sinks to the Floor
As you step on the brakes, you observe that the pedal drops to the bottom; it may be a sign of a severe problem. It is a warning sign indicating a severe leak problem and must be taken seriously. If you notice the issue before going for a long trip, please cancel it, and take your car to the mechanic immediately.
Master Cylinder is Damaged
Any damage to the brake master cylinder may lead to brake oil leakage. This cylinder is usually made of plastic, and it may crack due to heat exposure, eventually causing the brake fluid to seep out.

Summing Up:
The car owners usually don't check for any fluid under the vehicle, making the leakage diagnosis more difficult. Delay in detecting the issues can cause some more serious consequences. So, if you are facing any of the symptoms mentioned above, it is time to get your car checked immediately. All you need to do is book an appointment and take your car to the nearest technician.
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- Top 5 Brake Oil Leakage Symptoms Of Your Car - Check All Details!