Top 10 Fastest Land Vehicles In The World

If you love speed and thrill, this list is for you—ranking the top 10 fastest vehicles on land. These vehicles are all so fast that they need a specially controlled environment for them. Not only that, but these vehicles also show the epitome of engineering and creative boundary. The goal has been just one, to be the fastest on land without getting airborne. Let's look at these top vehicles and the speed they surfed through the land.
414 mph - The Spirit of Rett
Spirit of Rett is famous as the fastest ever single-engine car. Driven by Charlie Nearbug, this car used only one engine to cross the quickest road car's speed record. Spirit of Rett can travel at 414 mph in 2010 in Utah. This vehicle reached the average speed of 417 mhp and returning speed of 411.7 in Utah during the test run.
415.8 mph- Burkland 411 Streamliner

Burkland 411 is famous for achieving this ridiculously high-speed record without using any jet propulsion. This car was totally wheel-powered. Burkland 411 Streamliner is 24 feet long and weighs 4200 lbs. The highest speed recorded for Burkland 411 Streamliner was 428 mph, and the officially set record is of 415.86 mph for a one-mile run.
439- Speed Demon Streamliner
It was George Poteed who completed the project of making this auto the fastest piston car in the world. Couple years later, the record for the fastest piston-driven vehicle was set at a speed of 439 mph.
448.7 mph- Challenger 2

Challenger 2 carries with itself a story of dreams. In 1960 Mickey Thompson was the first to cross the benchmark of 400 mph with Challenger 1. He always dreamt of taking it to the fastest piston-driven car.
482.6 mph- Vesco Turbinator II
In 2001 Vesco Turbinator II broke the record fastest 470 mph. But it wasn't the end of it. The team behind Vesco Turbinator II worked to improve the performance. Later in 2018, they again reached the Bonneville Salt Flats and recorded the official average speed of 482.6 mph, making it the fastest land vehicle ever-made.
576 mph- Green Monster
When it comes to jet powered vehicles, Green Monster is worth talking about. Designed and built by Art and Walt, Green Monster got the title "fastest land vehicle" many times. Green Monster was a jet-powered car and used an F-10 Starfighter jet engine. In 1965, this vehicle acquired the record of over 550 mph.
600 mph- Spirit of America

Spirit of America took it on itself to test how fast any car can travel. This car broke the record of both 400 mph and 500 mph in 1965, and at that time, the speed was said to be the fastest any human being ever travelled on land. The official recorded speed of Spirit of America is 608 mph.
630 mph- The Blue Flame

In 1970, Blue Flame recorded an official average speed of 630.3 mph. This record stood for four years before Gary Gabelich broke it. It acquired the throne of the fastest land vehicle with that average speed and maintained that position for 13 years before finally getting dethroned.
634 mph- Thrust 2

In 1983, Thrust 2 acquired the title of the fastest land vehicle with an average speed of 634 mph. Thrust 2 was 27 feet, and 4 inches in length, and the design reverted a lot to Green Monster. Thrust 2 was unbeaten for thirteen years, and even though it weighed four-tonne, it raced 650 mph in one minute.
763 mph- Thrust SSC

Thrust SSC holds an unbeaten record for the world's fastest land vehicle, with an average speed of 763 mph. By looks, Thrust SSC looks more like a jet than a car. Thrust SSC also weighs around 10.5 tonnes.