Tips To Keep Your Car From Overheating

Everybody gets excited about summers, but only a few plan ahead to ensure their car does not overheat. If your car engine runs too hot, it can damage your vehicle and also compromise the safety of everyone in it. Overheating of the engine frequently occurs because of many reasons. For instance, when travelling long distances or during high temperatures, there are cooling system problems, faulty spars, etc. Let's look at what you can do to prevent overheating your car engine.

How to Do Prevent Overheating Your Car Engine:
Park in the Shade:
Always prefer parking in the shade than in the sun whenever you get an option. It will help keep your car engine cool and extend your car's life.
Tint the Windows:
Get tinting done on your car's window or apply window film. This will contribute to cooling your car and protecting it from sun damage due to UV rays.
Keep car window shades in your car and use them when you cannot park in the shade. It keeps your car's interior cool and protects it from sun damage by keeping out the sun rays.
Keep Windows Slightly Open:
When your windows are closed, they trap the hot air, and your car will heat up. Open windows help the air to escape. Open the sunroof also if the need arises.
Turn On the Floor Air Vents:
Direct the air through the floor vents so that your car doesn't heat up. Switching to the bottom vents when you get in the car allows your car to cool and open the upper vents.

Use Fresh Air:
Setting your AC on fresh air for about ten minutes can prevent overheating. Don't use the recirculation setting of your AC but allow your car to cool down.
Use Towels:
It can get hot if your car has leather or dark upholstery. Keep it cool and cover the steering wheel and seats with a towel, covers, or blanket.
Keep Checking the Temperature Gauge:
There is a device with a needle on your dashboard that must always point at the centre. If it starts pointing towards hot, turn off your engine and allow your car to cool down.
Turn On the Heat:
It is not something you'd want to do eagerly when it's hot, but you must. It can pull the hot air from your engine and help it cool down. It's like a temporary solution, not a permanent one.

Add Engine Coolant:
Keep checking the coolant level, open the car's hood, and check the coolant reservoir. If the coolant level is too low, add the appropriate amount of coolant. Do not add coolant when the engine is hot. Always let it cool first.
Get a Radiator Flush:
Get your old coolant drained from the radiator by a mechanic and clean it with flush fluid. Then, add a new coolant.
Replace Your Battery:
If your car's battery is three years or older, it is better to replace it as it may not be able to provide enough power, so your car ends up working harder.