
This Go-Kart Takes Inspiration From A VW Beetle And A Pixar Movie

Aldekas Studios specialises in restoring vintage cars and from what we have seen and it mostly works with old VW Beetles and thats why maybe they have a surplus of fenders which have made them work on something like the Bugkart Wasowski.

By car&bike Team


1 mins read


Published on August 24, 2020

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    A pod made out of the fender of a Volkswagen Beetle, that's not new. We've seen quite a few of these Volkspods but the one that's been made by Aldekas Studios, Mexico, looks absolutely adorable. It's called Bugkart Wasowski, and we kind of understand where this name comes from. Let's dissect it a bit to make you understand why we think this name has in common with Volkswagen and the Pixar movie ‘Monster's Inc'. The first part is easy to understand, because the Beetle has been called ‘the bug' so one can understand where the word Bugkart comes from. Those of you who have seen ‘Monster's Inc' will be familiar with the one-eyed manager of Harry Sullivan – Mike Wasowski. Looking at the way the headlamp is placed on the fender, this go-kart bears close resemblance to the one-eyed monster and that's  where the go-kart gets its name.


    The bright red frame just stands out and goes well with the olive green exterior. 

    Aldekas Studios specialises in restoring vintage cars and from what we have seen and it mostly works with old VW Beetles and that's why maybe they have a surplus of fenders which have made them work on something like the Bugkart Wasowski. The bright red frame just stands out and goes well with the olive green exterior. It just looks absolutely lovely and yes, we would love to go out shopping on this one for sure.


    These are the renders of the Bugkart Wasowski 

    But we have to say something that, these are of course renders and not the actual product. So, these realistic renders, point out to what exactly this Bugkart Wasowski will look like and we do not have any doubt about the fact that it will look exactly how you see it.


    There's no information about the engine it will be powered with 

    While there are a lot of questions asked about the engine and the price, there's nothing said by Aldekas Studios yet and we wait to know more about it, just like you

    Source: Aldekas Studio


    Last Updated on August 24, 2020

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