Renault Group Partners With Vulcan Energy In The Zero Carbon Lithium Project

Renault Group and Vulcan Energy, a global leading lithium developer, have signed a lithium offtake term sheet. This agreement is for an initial five-year term which can be extended if mutually agreed, with a start of commercial delivery set for 2026.
In line with Renault Group's ambition to offer 'made in Europe' cars, and following the launch of Renault ElectriCity, the Group will purchase between 6,000 to 17,000 metric tonnes per year of battery grade lithium chemicals produced in Germany by Vulcan Energy.
The Renault Group has set the aim to achieve carbon neutrality worldwide in 2050, and continues to accelerate its EV strategy to reach the greenest mix in the European market in 2025, with over 65 per cent of electric and electrified vehicles in the sales mix and up to 90 per cent battery electric vehicles mix in 2030. Thanks to Vulcan Energy, which will produce a battery-quality lithium chemical product from its combined geothermal energy and lithium resource while reducing lithium's high carbon and water footprint on production, Renault Group will be able to avoid from 300 to 700 kg of CO2 for a 50 kWh battery.

The Renault Group has set the aim to achieve carbon neutrality worldwide by 2050
Gianluca De Ficchy, Alliance EVP, Purchasing and Managing Director of Alliance Purchasing Organization at Renault Group, explained, "We are very proud to partner with a European lithium producer with a net zero greenhouse gas emissions such as Vulcan Energy. Our environmental and social responsibility is at the heart of the Renaulution and this must also apply to the providers we partner with if we want to create real value and offer the most sustainable vehicles in the market."
The binding term sheet is conditional on the execution of a Definitive Agreement on materially similar terms by November 20, 2021.
Last Updated on August 9, 2021