Harley-Davidson With Pope's Signature Fetches 33 Lakhs In Auction

There are bike enthusiasts everywhere. We've seen actors like Keanu Reeves, Hugh Jackman and many more fall into that category and even politicians but whoever would have thought that someone in the Vatican had a soft corner for motorcycles.
It may come as a surprise but Roman pontiffs enjoy the look and sound of cruiser motorcycles. We've already told you about the Harley-Davidson 1,585CC FXDC Dyna Super Glide Custom, which bore the papal signature and was auctioned last year for a whopping 243428 Euros. This year was no different.
It was Pope Francis' turn to be associated with Harley-Davidson as an FLSTC 103ci Heritage Softail Classic bearing Pope Benedict XVI's screen-printed signature went up for auction last at Bonhams auction house in Paris.
The cruiser was sold for 46,000 Euros and all the proceeds from the auction went to a non-profit, charitable organization called Stowarzyszenie Przyjazny Swiat Dziecka (Friendly World Association) - an organization offers care and support to children and families in need.
Now clearly you are wondering why the difference in the prices, well Harley Davidson had flown in two tanks to the Vatican on its 110 Anniversary to get Pope Benedict to sign them. However, due to his illness that couldn't be done and the tanks came back to the Harley HQ with screen-printed signatures. The tanks were installed on two bikes and one of them was flown back to Vatican while the other stayed in the Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee.
It was the bike which returned to Vatican which was auctioned off. However, the earlier one which was auctioned earlier received the real signature of the new Pope, and that is the reason why fetched so much money.
The details of the buyer have not been revealed but we know one thing though that both the bikes have been bought by the same person.
Last Updated on February 11, 2015