
Common But Costly Driving Habits

You might not realize, but your aggressive driving habits can push your car towards damage and drain your wallet. Read about these few common but costly driving habits to avoid!

By car&bike Team


1 mins read


Published on January 28, 2022

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    We are all aware that speeding is one habit that can wind up costing you and your car a lot. But, many other peculiar driving habits can prove to be costly as well.

    Some of these habits can be detrimental to your vehicle and wallet. These habits include braking suddenly and pushing your car even on low fuel. Read about these everyday driving habits that most of us practice that can be costly mistakes!

    Accelerating Too Suddenly and Quickly

    If you or your driver tend to make sudden accelerations, take a minute to understand that this mistake can lead to costly auto repairs. Sudden accelerations impose damage to brakes and drivetrains.

    Speeding your vehicle like a racing car typically strains the drivetrain components. Moreover, once these components are damaged, you have to shell out extreme funds to repair them. Also, sudden acceleration tends to burn more fuel.


    Photo Credit: pixabay.com

    Tailgating and Braking Hard

    Like sudden acceleration, slamming your car's brakes isn't an ideal driving habit. You might have to hit the pedal brakes to prevent a near-collision, but doing that frequently causes the brakes to damage faster.

    At times, it might be hard to avoid it. But, you should try your best to prevent tailgating and hard braking. Also, replacing and repairing brakes can end up making a big hole in your wallet.


    Photo Credit: www.liveabout.com

    Driving On a Near Empty Tank

    Unless you are short of funds, you should avoid running your car on less than a quarter tank of fuel. Low levels of gas expose the fuel pump. And it´s important for fuel pumps to be submerged in gas in order to keep it cool.

    If you have a habit of refuelling only when the tank is nearly empty, it increases the risk of damage to the fuel pump.

    Misusing the Gear Shifter

    It's no secret that most of us make rough use of the gear shifters, especially if it's manual transmission cars. This aggressive usage habit can cost drivers extra on car maintenance and repairs.

    Also, resting your hand on the shifter puts strain on synchronizers and transmission bushings. If you shift from “reverse” to “drive” too quickly, it exposes the drivetrain to unnecessary damage.


    Photo Credit: unsplash.com

    Driving Around With a Full Trunk

    We often tend to overload our car's trunk when travelling or heading off for a road trip. Even for daily tasks, many of us end up filling up the trunk to its brim.

    But, do you know that kind of weight puts additional pressure on your vehicle's suspension, brakes, and drivetrain? The extra weight on the trunk also burns more gas.


    Photo Credit: unsplash.com

    These driving habits are not only extremely harmful to your vehicle but also life-threatening. So, take our advice and practice positive driving behaviour!

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