
Car Driving Tips: How to Ensure a Safe and Smooth Drive

Driving a car can be a lot of fun - yes, even on Indian roads - if you follow a few simple driving tips. All you need is a combination of presence of mind, reflexes, skill and knowledge of the traffic rules and signs while driving. And, of course, a decent car.

By car&bike Team


1 mins read


Published on November 19, 2015

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    Driving a car can be a lot of fun - yes, even on Indian roads - if you follow a few simple driving tips. All you need is a combination of presence of mind, reflexes, skill and knowledge of the traffic rules and signs while driving. And, of course, a decent car.

    A driver also needs to get into the habit of practising the art of defensive driving, which is 'driving expecting the unexpected'. Basically, it means that you have to drive giving allowance for other road users' behaviour. The National Safety Council of USA defines defensive driving as 'driving to save lives, time and money in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others'.

    Besides all of this, a driver also needs to know the basics about maintaining a car so that it doesn't break down.

    Below, we give you a few driving tips which will ensure your ride becomes more enjoyable and safe:

    1. Physical and mental condition

    Driving Generic

    Physical and mental fitness are important when you drive a car. It means the driver should not be distracted, unhappy, fatigued or sleep-deprived. He/she has to be able to pay attention on the road while driving.

    2. Driving under influence

    Drunk driving

    Driving while under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, etc. is a huge no-no. These substances cause drowsiness and hallucination and put your life, along with that of others, at risk.

    3. Anticipation of others' behaviour

    Driving tips - Sensors

    A driver needs to anticipate the behaviour of other drivers as far as possible. It can go a long way in preventing accidents.

    4. Regulations and traffic signals

    Traffic signal

    Drivers need to follow safety rules and traffic signals to ensure a safe drive. Also, maintain a safe distance between your car and the one in front of you or on the left or right side of your car. One should especially be careful about trucks and buses which tend have poor braking and wayward drivers.

    5. Indicators/turn signals

    Use indicators while taking turns or changing lanes. It helps to alert others about your actions.

    6. Visibilty on the road

    Driving tips - Bad visibility

    A driver needs to assess the light conditions on the road and turn on his headlights/parking lights accordingly. Apart from when the driver is behind the wheel at night, visibility is generally low at dawn and dusk, and also when it rains, snows or when there is fog. Turning on the hazard/emergency lights when the visibility becomes extremely poor is also advisable.

    7. Using mirrors

    Car mirror

    Always use the car's rear view and side mirrors while driving as it helps to see the traffic from behind and from the sides as well.

    8. Seatbelts


    Buckle up! Always. The driver and passenger(s) in the car need to wear seatbelts at all times in a moving vehicle since they will probably save your life/lives in the event of a collision or sudden braking.

    9. Never drive in a hurry


    Driving should be done in a calm and composed manner. Never drive in haste since it can lead to errors in judgement on the road and lead to accidents.

    10. No phone calls

    Using a phone while driving

    Never talk on the phone while driving. It is always advisable to pull over on the side of the road (if it doesn't affect the rest of the traffic) after turning the hazard/emergency lights on and make/take that all-important call after the car has completely stopped. Hands-free devices like headsets, Bluetooth, etc. are an option but we don't recommend them since the driver tends to pay less attention on the road.

    11. Car maintenance

    Tyre check

    Follow the car's maintenance/servicing schedule regularly and give special attention to filters, brakes and tyre pressure. Level of fluids, coolants, lubricants, etc. need to be checked on a regular basis as well.

    Now, these driving tips are just a few guidelines one should follow while driving a car but it's not the be-all and end-all. A driver needs to use logic and common sense while on the road in order to make his/her and his/her fellow motorists' ride smooth and safe.

    On that note, we wish you happy motoring!

    (Images used are for representational purposes only)


    Last Updated on November 19, 2015

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