
Auto Expo 2018 Witnesses Over 6 Lakh Visitors

The 2018 Auto Expo finally concluded on February 14 and the organisers have announced that they witnessed a total of 6,05,175 visitors this year. The event had over 500 product displays from 119 exhibitors this year.

By car&bike Team


1 mins read


Published on February 16, 2018

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  • The Auto Expo was held from February 9 - 14, 2018 for the public
  • Over 500 product displays from 119 exhibitors this year
  • Lots of new brands and electric vehicles were showcased this year

The Auto Expo 2018 has finally came to an end this week, on February 14, 2018. The Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), one of the key organisers, said that they had a footfall of 6,05,175 at the event this year. This year the Auto Expo was held from February 9 - 14, 2018 for the public and February 7 and 8 for media and VIP visitors. In fact, the biennial motor show was extended by one extra day, which SIAM says turned out to be a welcome addition. In addition to this, the organisers say that this year's Auto Expo witnessed a tremendous response on social media as well with more than 1.5 lakh tweets on its official hashtag which further garnered over 4.5 billion impressions on Twitter in a span of 6 days.

Commenting on this year's response, Sugato Sen, Deputy Director General, SIAM said, "We had 6,05,175 footfalls during this edition of the Auto Expo, as was expected. The extension of the Auto Expo by one day has been welcomed by visitors and manufacturers alike. It helped us manage the crowd efficiently, use the infrastructure optimally with no bottlenecks on roads and parking. The feedback received from all quarters has been positive and has been a wonderful experience for all which was one of the key objectives of the Motor Show."

Among other fact and figures, the motor show witnessed over 500 product displays from 119 exhibitors this year. This included 53 Original Vehicle Manufacturers showcasing over 100 products, including 22 launches, 81 product unveilings and 18 concept showcase. The Auto Expo 2018 this year also saw participation from 14 new brands, which includes - Kia Motors India, India Kawasaki Motors, and Cleveland CycleWerks among others. Furthermore, a total of 11 start-ups marked the presence in India through this edition of Auto Expo 2018.

The non-official theme for the 2018 Auto Expo turned out to be electric mobility, and this year there were 25 new electric vehicles showcased like- Emflux One - India's first electric Superbike, UM Renegade Thor - World's first geared electric cruiser, Uniti electric car and many more.

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