What To Do When Your Car Is Stolen?

- Instances of car theft are on the rise across all cities of India.
- In most cases, it is difficult to find the car after being stolen.
- Car theft safety systems are extremely important for car owners
You must have heard about vehicles being stolen, but almost all people dismiss it as something trivial because most believe that it will never happen to them. But, as the saying goes, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Being ready for a situation like this can be handy and help minimize the losses caused.

Steps To Follow in Case of Car Theft
If your car gets stolen, it is important to follow these steps –
- Report To Police - If a vehicle has been stolen, you should call police authorities and submit a stolen vehicle report. A car theft claim will not be honored by insurance agencies until a police complaint has been filed. You should be ready to tell the authorities all you know about your car that has been stolen. Depending on the police agency, you may be required to complete your police report online or by phone.

- Report to Insurance Agency - The next thing to do is report your vehicle theft to your car insurance provider. There is no insurance for stolen cars, but you will be insured if you have a comprehensive auto insurance policy. But even if you don't have comprehensive auto insurance, you should report the theft to your insurance agency. If someone is harmed or property is damaged while the car is out of your ownership, this step will protect you in the end. Everything in your claim must be accurate and consistent. Paying out the cost of a stolen car is highly expensive for insurance. The insurance will normally initiate an inquiry before committing such a significant expenditure. A discrepancy between your police record and your vehicle insurance claim might be a red flag, even if it was inadvertent. Insurance providers will be less dubious of a late police report if the report is filed immediately. If your car is lost, you'll almost certainly need to find another means of transportation. Your insurance will cover the cost of a rental automobile if you have reimbursement coverage in your insurance policy.
- Transport Authority Report - You must also report the theft of your car to the transport authority of your region. This is an important step because the registration authorities are in charge of transferring ownership of the car. If someone is misusing your automobile, notifying the transport authorities in advance will help you in various ways and avoid any unlawful changes in ownership of your vehicle.

Only half of the stolen automobiles are recovered, according to estimates. Cars are frequently stolen purely for the components, which means they may be rapidly dismantled and vanish; you must be mentally ready for the possibility of never seeing your automobile again. For these conditions, it's likely that your automobile will be damaged or missing parts when it's returned. If your automobile is in drivable condition when you get it back, check it thoroughly first. Report everything you find to the police to avoid any hassles.
Last Updated on May 1, 2022
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