The Right Way To Clean Your Car
Are you properly washing your car? Here are some things that you should definitely know!

- 1. Learning how to properly dust your car without damaging the paint.
- 2. Cooling off the vehicle is also essential.
- 3. Cleaning in circles is also avoidable.
A guide to successful car washing is always essential for newbies and those looking to keep their car in great shape at all times. Here are some aspects that you should remember:

- Dusting the car- If your car is covered in dust and grime, and you do not wish to clean it with water, you should avoid dusting the car with any dry cloth. This will only lead to paint scratches. You should never do dusting with a dry cloth on the exterior of the vehicle.
- Cooling off suitably- You should not use cold water to cool off your car on a hot and sultry day. The cold water will lead to contraction of the vehicle body, and the paint may also crack as a result. Find a shaded place and cool down your car naturally before washing it.
- Washing- If you do not have any more car shampoo, avoid using something like dishwashing liquid, washing powder, and so on. Even if they are lathery, you should not use them at all. They will only erode the lacquer coating that protects the car exterior.
- Cleaning technique- Do not clean by making circles since they will lead to vehicle scratches. You should never wipe around in circles. Carefully wash and suitably rinse the sponge prior to wiping soap or water off the body. Always be gentle in this case. Go top-down while wiping without resorting to circles.
- Use a hose instead of a water bucket- This is because the sponge helps you avoid common sponge-rinsing related scratches.
- Drying materials- You should use terry towels or proper materials for drying the vehicle. This is vital since water spots will hinder the lacquer coating of the car in the long run.
- Do not keep your windows down or have the sunroofs open while washing the car. This will cause more damage than you think.
- Always spray from top to bottom.
- Wash one portion first, i.e. suppose you are washing one door. Wash it, soap it, and rinse it once again. Once the whole car is washed and soaped, hose it properly, and use drying material thereafter.
- Be wise in using polishing materials. You should ideally polish or wax the car once every three months.

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