
Sunroof and Moonroof: The Two Different Types of Roof Panels and Their Differences

With their names ranging from day to night, they really aren't that different from each other.

By car&bike Team


1 mins read


Published on December 30, 2021

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  • Sunroofs come in different types
  • Ford was the first to use the term "Moonroof"
  • These roofs may be bad for driving dynamics

When the automobile was first invented, it came with no roofs at all. Later through the years, carmakers began offering canvas roofs and curtains. It was Cadillac that first applied a roof to its cars that were made out of and connected to the bodywork itself. In today's times, one can choose from a wide range of options, from full comfort to a small moonroof. However, keeping in mind that the two most common options are the sunroof and the moonroof, let's go on to learning more about those respectively.


The Base Difference

In essence, once these two were almost the same thing. Things changed when Ford began marketing theirs as a moonroof after changing their roof styling. In today's times, a moonroof is a roof in a car that comprises of a portion of the roof being tinted tempered glass. Sunroofs on the other hand are referred to as a similar roof, except it can be removed completely to let the wind in and also comprises a shade to block out the glass completely in case the sun is right above.


Which one is the Better Option?

While a certain percentage of this question may be up to personal choice and opinion, it is believed that the better option to go for is the one that can completely block out the light when required. It is also a plus point that sunroofs can also be opened to let the wind in. This in turn allows one to enjoy the outer view of trees or buildings without the wind getting in if you choose to only open the sunshade and close the glass panel, while also allowing for the breeze to come in if one chooses so.


The types of Sunroofs and Moonroofs

There are a few types, these include:

  • Pop-ups – These roofs allow one to tilt one side of the roof open or remove the panel completely.
  • Panoramic- These offer a much larger panel of the roof that is made of glass with a lot more wind and light entering the car when opened.
  • Spoiler- These roofs offer the same tilt as the pop-up roofs do, however are fixed panels and cannot be removed.
  • Built-in – These are the most common and offer the ability to raise the rear of the roof to let the air out or can even slide into the roof panel altogether in order to increase airflow.

Should you Opt for these Roofs?

In the end, wanting one of these roofs comes down to personal preference, although the mechanisms and fitment parts needed to have a sunroof may increase the weight on the roof, in turn pushing its center of gravity upwards, this may be bad for the vehicle's handling. On the other side, however, it may be easier for you to sell your used vehicle simply because it has a sunroof.

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