Piaggio Files Leaning Three-Wheeled Patent Design With Two Rear Wheels

- Leaning three-wheeler concept design uses two rear wheels
- The Piaggio MP3 leaning three-wheeler uses two front wheels
- The patent designs show a well-developed design concept
Latest patent images filed by Piaggio suggest that the Italian firm is working on a leaning three-wheeler, but unlike the Yamaha Niken leaning three-wheeler with two front wheels, Piaggio has reversed the design with two leaning rear wheels. But that doesn't mean the Niken is the first leaning three-wheeler with two front wheels. In fact, Piaggio already has a leaning three-wheeler with two front wheels, the Piaggio MP3, which seems to have its own set of followers in European markets. The MP3 has been around since 2006, and now it seems the Italian brand is trying to flip the technology.
Also Read: Piaggio Files Patents For Aerodynamic Winglets

The system uses two leaning wheels at the rear, rather than two front wheels like the one on the Piaggio MP3
If latest patent images are to be believed, Piaggio is already working on a new leaning three-wheeler concept, but this time around, instead of two front wheels, there will be two rear wheels, more like a conventional trike, but with leaning ability for better control around corners. In fact, the Harley-Davidson Tri Glide Ultra also uses a similar concept, the latest patents show that Piaggio will possibly introduce the concept in a more affordable and urban commuter product, which will offer more manoeuvrability and agility while cornering.

The patent designs show a single front wheel, but it's not difficult to imagine two front wheels, like the MP3's front end, for a leaning four wheeled concept as well
The patent drawings seem to suggest a well-developed design, hinting that Piaggio may well already have prototypes of the system. More details are expected on this unique design in the coming months. And while the latest patent design showcases a single large front wheel, it can also be imagined that Piaggio can quite possibly combine the MP3's two-wheeled front end to also create a leaning four-wheeled scooter. Now, that would be an interesting concept!
Last Updated on June 1, 2020
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- Piaggio Files Leaning Three-Wheeled Patent Design With Two Rear Wheels