
Mumbai Has Highest Car Density in India

Latest statistics by state transport ministries report Mumbai has 430 cars per Km of road - the highest compared to other metro cities.

By car&bike Team


1 mins read


Published on June 20, 2016

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  • Mumbai has 430 cars per km of road
  • Second on the list is Kolkata
  • Delhi's car density is only 93/Km of road
Latest statistics by state transport ministries report Mumbai has 430 cars per Km of road - the highest compared to other metro cities. On an average, nearly 172 cars are added to its road every day. Furthermore, the number of private cars has risen by 56% in the last 6 years and occupy 85% of road space in the city. Interestingly, the length of roads in Mumbai has stayed almost stagnant at 2,000km over the past few years.

Moving on, second on the list of cities with highest car density is Kolkata, which has 308 cars/km of road. Pune came in third with 248 cars/km. Interestingly, Delhi's car density is only 93/Km, though it has the most number of private cars; 27.9 lakh, to be precise.

Mumbai, on the other hand, has 8.6 lakh private cars, which consequently obstruct the expansion of public transport - an issue prevalent throughout India. Mumbai currently has 1.64 lakh public vehicles and a density of 82 vehicles/km of road. And with cars becoming increasingly accessible, traffic and other relevant issues are bound to be aggravated.

Ashok Datar of the Mumbai Environmental Social Network said, "Public transport can never grow unless we remove cars parked on the road at least on major arteries. About 20% road space is used for car parking." Rishi Aggarwal, Mumbai Transport Forum co-convener, suggests the government must support and strengthen aggregator AC buses, which will allow significant amount of space to be freed up on the roads.

Other than that, another pertinent issue is pollution. Both, noise and air pollution severely affect the quality of life in metros and with such numbers, it is important that government take initiatives to control the number of private cars and encourage public transport in cities.

(Source: ETAuto)

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