How To Change A Tyre
Most of us have faced a flat tyre while on road. Read this article for some tips on how to handle a puncture.

While travelling there is always a chance that your tyre might get punctured but most of the times, you tend to go to a puncture repair shop and get it fixed. In India, especially in metros it is easy to get help at such times but what if you are travelling and the closest town is about 20 odd kms away?
Help may not be around all the time and you have to know what to do in such emergencies. Here are some guidelines you can use.
Stop the car
The first thing you must do if your car tyre gets punctured is stop. Do not drive with a flat tyre as it may cause harm to the mechanicals and also the wheel. Take it to the side and switch on the hazards so that the other cars know that your vehicle has a problem and they can avoid the car.
Know your Jacking Points
Jacking points are essentially where the car jack goes and this enables it to lift the car so as to change the tyre. The Jacking points have been given specifically because these points have been given extra strength so that it is easier for you to raise the car. If you are wondering where they are, look into your owners manual to find out.
Loosen the bolts
Before you put the jack in place and lift the car, it is important that you loosen the bolts of the flattened tyre first. Make sure that you loosen each bolt in the diagonal fashion.
Lift the car
Now you can place the jack in the given jacking position and use it to lift the car. Do this very slowly and make sure there is no one sitting in the car else the jack will lose its grip because of the extra weight.
Replace the tyre
Once you have unhooked all the bolts, it is time to replace the flat with the spare tyre. Again whilst getting the tyre back on, tighten the bolts in the diagonal fashion. The logic behind doing it that way is that the tyre is fastened and has no chances of falling off. Once the tyre is replaced, you can take it off the jack and then make sure that the tyres have been tightly bolted.
Get Puncture Repaired
Make sure that you get the puncture repaired, the first chance you get. A spare tyre is no problem but at the end of the day there is a reason why it is called a 'spare'.
These are some easy steps you can follow to get it done quickly and efficiently without any help. It's good to be self-sufficient.
Last Updated on January 15, 2014
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