Here Are 5 Kind Of Used Cars That You Must Always Avoid Buying

- Avoid cars that are too old or have had too many owners.
- Try to skip cars that have too many kilometres on the Odometer.
- Don't buy cars that haven't been properly maintained.
Buying a used car is always a more practical and economical choice. After all, cars are depreciating assets, meaning they lose their value over the years, so, unless there is an emotional factor involved, it's always advisable to keep the expenditure as low as possible. However, buying a used car is not exactly easy. Unlike buying a brand new model, here you must be much more vigilant and do proper inspections and assessments before buying the vehicle. So, here are five kinds of used cars you must always avoid buying.

Cars more than 8 years old, generally start having issues, which might not offer a very good ownership experience.
Don't Buy Too Old
Unless you are collecting a classic or vintage car, or simply buying for some emotional reasons, do not buy any car that's too old. Ideally, look for a 4- to 5-year-old car, and if you have a very tight budget then maximum a 7- to 8-year-old model. Avoid any car that's older than that. Cars more than 8 years old, generally start having issues, which might not offer a very good ownership experience.
Also Read: 5 Reasons Why You Should Replace A Used Car After Every Few Years
Nothing With Too Many Kms On It
While age is certainly an important factor, also avoid buying a used car that has too many kilometres on the Odometer. Ideally, look for a car that's done less than 50,000 km, and if you are in a pinch, then you can extend the threshold up to 70,000 km. But definitely avoid buying a car that's done more than 1,00,000 km, even if it's less than 7- to 8-year-old. The wear and tear on a high-running car will be much higher, and if it was not maintained properly the vehicle is bound to have problems. You will find a lot of diesel and CNG cars with high kilometres on the Odo.
Also Read: Buying Used Cars From A Dealer Vs An Individual Seller - Which Is Better?

If the car has noticeable damage, has not been cleaned for a long, or has a messy and odour-ridden cabin, then owner has not cared for it well.
Stay Away From Unkempt Cars
The way a person keeps their car tells a lot about them, and how the car is. While a few scratches and a couple of small dents might not be a deal-breaker, if the car has noticeable damage, has not been cleaned for a long, or has a messy and odour-ridden cabin, then it's better to stay away from it. The owner has not cared for it well, and there could be more issues with the car than what meets the eye. If you think it's still worth it, then get it inspected by a trusted mechanic and then decide.
Too Many Owners
Avoid buying a used car with too many previous owners. Ideally, look for a car with just one owner, however, if you think the vehicle is in good condition, you can consider cars with two previous owners, however, do not go beyond that. As the car has changed multiple hands, it's quite likely that the vehicle has not been taken care of by every owner. The lesser the number of past owners, the better your chances of getting a decent used vehicle. However, this is not necessarily always true.

With cars that have changed multiple hands, it's quite likely that the vehicle has not been taken care of by every owner.
No Proper Paperwork
Always ask for the car's complete history and paperwork like - vehicle registration, insurance, pollution under control (PUC) certificate, and road tax. If the owner doesn't have them and tries to sell the car without the proper documents, walk away. In case of loss or damage, the owner can always get duplicate documents made so it's not a big ask. Also, they are very important for the transfer of ownership, so don't forget to ask for all the documents.
Last Updated on August 11, 2022