Google's Self-Driving Cars Involved in 11 Accidents in 6 Years

These accidents involved Google's cars being hit from behind 7 times, mostly at traffic lights. Chris Urmson, director of Google's self-driving car program, said, "Not once was the self-driving car the cause of the accident." Chris further clarified that no one was injured in the said accidents. He also added that majority of the accidents occurred on city streets instead of highways.
Currently a team of drivers is testing the fleet of over 20 self-driving cars which have driven 1.7 million miles so far.
Also Read: Google Self-Driving Car Pulled Over for Being Too Slow
"We'll continue to drive thousands of miles so we can all better understand the all-too common incidents that cause many of us to dislike day-to-day driving - and we'll continue to work hard on developing a self-driving car that can shoulder this burden for us," Urmson said.
(With inputs from Reuters)
Last Updated on May 12, 2015
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- Google's Self-Driving Cars Involved in 11 Accidents in 6 Years