
Getting Your Vehicle Road Trip Ready

It is fun to go on long road trips with friends and family. We all long for those adventurous road trips, and we have to plan for them beforehand. Sometimes we take part in exciting activities like making conference calls, creating WhatsApp groups, meeting and packing together, etc.

By car&bike Team


1 mins read


Published on March 26, 2022

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    While all these things are important, getting your car road trip ready is also essential. Often, people forget how important their vehicle is on long road trips. The following are some tips for you to be road-trip-ready. Check them out! 


    Photo Credit: https://www.cntraveler.com

    Examine Your Battery

    You should replace your battery if it is more than three years old. You should also ensure that the electrical components of your battery are in tip-top shape. If your battery is undercharged or overcharged, it can severely damage your car's battery life. A dying or corroding battery causes a sluggish sound in the car. If you see any corrosion, clean the chalky white stuff off and start driving again. 

    Check your tires!

    When checking your car's tyres, you need to check two things: tread and air pressure. Ensure that your tyre pressure is as recommended and not over or underinflated. Over or underinflation can lead to a bumpy ride, premature wear and tear, overheating, and even a blowout. If the treads aren't deep enough, your tyres won't get any traction on the road, which can be fatal. 

    Top Up The Tank.

    Before starting your road trip, you should ensure that your engine has adequate oil. You can easily gauge the level of the oil with the dipstick that is provided in the car.


    Photo Credit:  https://www.indiamart.com/

    Examine Other Fluids

    You need to ensure that all the fluids in your car are up to the mark. Check the car's brakes, radiator, transmission, power steering, and windshield, and lubricate and top up all the required fluids. You will get a smoother and more comfortable drive if you top up all your car's fluids. Your car won't be damaged either, as lubrication is essential for these car parts. 

    Change the air filters.

    The air filters help keep the bugs, dust, and debris out of the car's engine accumulating from the road. Additionally, they maintain and control the air quality of the car's cabin. Clogging happens upon reaching the end of its life, and it deteriorates the engine's performance. Even the condition of the fuel and interior air quality get compromised. It would be best if you changed your air filters every 15,000 km. 

    Give The Brakes A Brake 

    A car's braking system is crucial for your and other people's safety. Check the condition of your brakes before you hop in the car for your next road trip. Some early warning signals of faulty brakes are the noise of squeaking, a shaky steering wheel, grinding noise, sponginess, and shakiness of the brake pedals. It would require a thorough inspection and repairs if required. You might also need accessories like brake fluid, drums, hoses, rotors, and pads. 


    Last Updated on March 26, 2022

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