car&bike Xtreme Episode 2: Chimes In My Car Challenge

- Episode 2 of the inaugural car&bike Extreme
- Challenge is to keep the noise down in an in-car orchestra
- Compass, Kodiaq, Tiguan, and X3 took this challenge
Watch the action from the Episode 2 of car&bike Xtreme:
The first edition of car&bike Xtreme in association with Kalpataru and Mak Lubricants, saw the first round awarded ‘Paint Me Chocolate’ to Shams for dirtying his Scorpio N the most. Who knew you could win a prize for being the dirtiest? For round two, things got interesting where it wasn’t about raw power, or going all out to counter the obstacle course.

Also Read: car&bike Xtreme Episode 1: Paint It Chocolate Challenge
This one is all about precision and calmness. Because each contender’s car is fitted with windchimes and decibel meters, whoever went around the course with the least recorded sound on the device will take the win. It’s a challenge to see who’d be the most silent and who’d end up with a crescendo!

As we’d established the challenges aren’t a comparison of the cars or the competition of pitting these 4x4s against each other. But it was a fun adventure of seeing how each contender can make the most of his vehicle in a specially curated and quite unique off-road challenge. In Episode 1, the youngest member went first, for Episode 2 it was the wisest – read oldest – who opened the innings.

With Pritam going first in the Skoda Kodiaq, Shams decided to take the Bimmer – the BMW X3. That left Bilal with the Volkswagen Tiguan and Janak went in with the Jeep Compass. All capable SUVs, but the challenge shouldn’t be underestimated either. It might sound easy (pun intended), to keep those windchimes from moving around.

Especially on the course which started with rumblers (pretty similar to what you and I encounter in our everyday driving), but then the cars will go over some serious axle-twisters, followed by a deep trench.

Can the contestants keep it quiet or will the windchimes cause a riot inside the car? Do watch the video and leave a comment about who you think did the best behind the wheel.