
What Are The Best Ways To Keep A Car's Battery Charged During The Winter?

This article talks about how you can keep your car's battery charged when the weather gets cold. As winter is becoming colder every year, you need to be prepared for it.

By car&bike Team


1 mins read


Published on June 14, 2022

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    Everyone is obsessed with their phone's battery being charged but do we give the same attention to our car? Car owners rarely think about their car's battery unless they have to. So, when you are forced to think about it, you know something's wrong. Especially during the winters because the cold can wear down your car's battery. Your phone keeps telling you how much battery is left, but it's not that easy with a car. The summer season already takes a toll on the car battery with its intense heat, and things can get worse with the onset of winter. But not when you adopt these different ways to keep it charged during winter.


    Different Ways To Keep The Car's Battery Charged in Winter:

    Get it Checked Before Winter

    It is always better to find out if your car's battery is dying on your schedule than under unforeseen circumstances. It is always better to be safe than sorry and start the cold season with a healthy battery. Check it and replace it with a new one if the need arises before winter arrives.

    Carry a Battery Charger

    It is important to keep your car's battery charged to maintain its health. Always carry a battery charger made specifically for your car. You can purchase it from any auto parts shop. You will need to charge it more often during winters, so it is juiced up to the fullest.


    Park Your Car Away from the Wind

    You know what it's like to get slapped by a gust of cold wind, and so does your car. It is advisable to park your car in the garage to protect its battery, especially at night. You can also get an electric battery blanket to protect its cranking power. If a parking space is unavailable, ensure you park your car's front away from the wind's main direction.

    Keep it Juiced

    If your car's battery is fully charged, it won't usually freeze until it's -60°C. If it is fully discharged, it will start freezing around 0°C. So, you need to juice it up if it hesitates to turn over. Ensure you follow the correct way of charging your battery and avoid the don'ts.


    Clean Your Battery

    The electrical resistance increases when the temperature is low, and the engine oil thickens. Thus, the battery ends up working harder. If your battery has dirt and grime, it will be harder to perform well. You can clean it with the help of household items like baking soda, water, a toothbrush, and a damp cloth. Petroleum jelly helps prevent corrosion, so you can smear it on the battery's terminals.

    Take a Pause

    It is advised to pause before you turn on your car's accessories. This allows the alternator to charge the battery before it performs other things. Similarly, before leaving your car, you must also turn off anything that might need battery power. These practices can be helpful on a cold day when your battery tends to zap faster than the average.

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