Use Your Turn Signals Properly

This is simply how we use communication in traffic but many of us might not know how to make use of these turn signals properly and this may cause problems communicating with other drivers on the road. Now if you find it difficult you don't have to worry because we will give you a guideline of how to use these turn signals.
Indicate a left turn using turn signals:
So when you are taking or making any left turn, you must keep a safe distance to help others have time to adapt. However, the recommended distance to activate the left turn signal should be 30 metres before the corner where you make the turn because you must make sure you're driving in the lane for the left turn, and then it's time to run on the signal. On the other hand, you need to keep one hand on the steering wheel and brake gently after turning on the signal, to inform others of the reason for slowing down. Therefore, when you safely make a left turn, don't forget to turn off the signal and get back on the right lane.
Indicate a right turn using turn signals:
How to indicate the right turns? It is the same way you indicate the left turn signal. The proper way of turning on the right turn signal is similar to that of activating the left turn signal. So, what it means is you should turn on the signal 30 metres from where you make the turn to make sure you are on the right turn. Then, if you make it remember to turn off the signal and if you are still not sure whether the signals are on, simply check the lights on the dashboard or the TikTik sound that the car makes while you are on the wrong track.
How to enter a highway using turn signals:
Getting onto a Highway or a Freeway is not an easy task for many people, especially for beginners. Therefore to make it easier, merging on-ramps and acceleration lanes were born. An on-ramp is considered a transition from the road from where you come off and merge in the highway. Then it leaves you into the acceleration lanes. At this point, you get into the acceleration lane and you can move along the highway. You have to look for your gap when on the acceleration lane. You may have to speed up the vehicle to the highway speed which is posted on the speed limit signs.
Last Updated on June 24, 2022