The Dos and Don'ts for Vintage Vehicle Owners
Definition and Body of Vintage Cars in India:
As mentioned before, Vintage Cars are those cars which were made between the years 1919-1930. Any vehicle that is 50 years old from the time of its registration after its sale can be known as a Vintage Car as well. Vintage Cars are different from classic cars and antique cars. All the Vintage Cars are made of steel. However, these days, cars are generally made of steel and iron. Previously, cars were made of steel so, that would make them strong and durable. As technology has advanced, new combinations have been made which provide the same use as steel but are a little more efficient and effective. Vintage Cars' bodies would be even made with the help of Aluminum, Titanium and Carbon Fiber, though the last three materials are used mostly in making advanced cars.
The new policy for Vintage Cars:
The new policy for Vintage Cars says that one cannot use their Vintage Cars for commercial purposes. For example, you cannot use your Vintage Cars for your day-to-day activities. If the Vintage Car owners want then they can ride it time-to-time and put it up for exhibitions. This is very much allowed but riding it every day for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
How did the policy come about?
According to the Ministry of Road Transport and highways in November 2020, a draft for public comments and objections on a proposed vintage vehicle was given out. It was again strictly mentioned that Vintage Cars cannot be used for commercial purposes. There were some strict regulations and restrictions on the use of Vintage Cars. A Vintage Car could be used as a demonstration, technical research, maintenance, refueling, exhibitions, vintage rallies and of course travelling to and back from such exhibitions and rallies. Therefore, according to the policy, you can drive your Vintage Car when you want to but you just cannot drive it regularly or for commercial purposes.
How to register Vintage Cars?
Vintage Cars already carry their registration numbers, which will continue to be that way. But if you have recently imported a Vintage Car or Indian car over 50 years old then they need to be registered newly. The car will have a registration plate that will display the state code in two letters. The state code will be followed by the VA, which stands for vintage. Then there will be a two-letter series which will be followed by a four-digit series, which will be from 0001 to 9999. This will be allotted by the state registering authority.
Your application for registration has to be accompanied by a policy of insurance, appropriate fee, bill of entry if your Vintage Car is imported and in case of already registered Vintage Car in India, you must have the old registration certificate.
Registration fee- Rs. 20,000
Renewal fee- Rs. 5,000
Is the upcoming Scrappage policy applicable to vintage vehicles?
The upcoming Scrappage policy does not apply to vintage vehicles. If your vehicle is more than 15 years old but falls within 50 years then you can continue to keep it by clearing fitness tests every five years.