Hyundai Be The Better Guy: Do Teens Know Anything About Road Safety?

Driving on the roads is difficult, there’s traffic to navigate and rules to adhere to while doing so. And for many of us, it’s been a long tenure on the road. A lot of the safety rules of the road have been ingrained thanks to family and yes, by many a people you have been forthcoming about what the rules of the road really are. But now with surveillance and the police becoming stricter with rules, I feel, knowing about the rules of the road is very important, especially as the new-generation gets into cars and heads out on the road.
It is for this reason that we approached Sarah, who was all set to head to the RTO to give her driving test. Now, Sarah is not your everyday 19-year old. She an entrepreneur, and designs, produces and sells designer bags. So, yes, she is from the start-up generation, which takes matters into their own hands, and with her soon to get her license, we wondered if she knew anything about the rules of the road.

So, the first question we asked her was about picking up her phone while driving. Now, we all know how important, the phone is for teenagers, so, this question needs to be asked. But the reply came in immediately that she would ignore the ringing phone and if it was anything urgent, she would park it at the side of the road and take the call.
The next question then was something all teenagers thrive on, parties! We asked if she would get behind the wheel, if she were to have a sip of alcohol to drink. The answer was a big NO! She said that she would not have to rethink this because, she doesn’t even let her family drink and drive. In fact, she warns her parents, cousins and even friends about it.
The next one, we thought would certainly flummox her and so we asked her whether she would stop the car, if she saw people wanting to cross the road, using the zebra crossing and for added pressure, there will be people honking from behind. She was clear in stating that she would let pedestrians cross, because it was their right of way.
We were awestruck by Sarah’s understanding of road safety and thought that if this is the level of understanding then, we did not have much to worry about. Sarah had begun the journey to ‘be the better guy’
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- Hyundai Be The Better Guy: Do Teens Know Anything About Road Safety?