Speed-Limit for Vehicles on Highways Might Be Increased

In a bid to allow faster movement of trucks and other vehicles on the national highways, the Government of India has proposed to increase the speed limit of vehicles. The government believes that the decision will consequently help in speeding up the economy.
The proposal is to increase the speed-limit for commercial vehicles up to 80Km/h and that for cars, up to 100Km/h. Just so you know, the current speed-limit is 50Km/h for buses and trucks, while that for cars is 65Km/h.
The recommendations were made by a committee on safe road transport within the Road Transport and Highway Ministry. However, the government is yet to take a concrete decision about this change. Officials say that commercial vehicles in India cover a mere 350Km/day on average, while the figure in developed countries goes up to 900Km/day - 1000Km/day.
A handful of other recommendations have also been made to speed up vehicles on highways, including not allowing local vehicles and slow vehicles to traverse on the national highways. The proposal suggests that the aforementioned vehicles should be allowed to drive only on service roads.
Last Updated on September 22, 2014