Signs That Your Air Filter Needs Replacement
- The air filter is one of the many filters that are present in modern cars
- It can affect the car's performance by a considerable margin.
- You can find out whether your air filter is working fine or not
The air filter is an important component of your car since it allows your engine to work properly. It does that by preventing dust, dirt and other environmental contaminants from getting into the engine. These contaminants are caught in the filter and over time, they get accumulated, clogging it up. There are a few signs that allow you to notice when this happens and we're going to tell you all about them today.
Ignition problems
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When dirt clogs up the air filter of your car, clean air can't get through to the engine and this starts affecting the whole emission control system of the vehicle. The spark plug eventually develops gunk and this causes ignition problems. Therefore, your car will often refuse to start in the first few attempts. If this is the case with your vehicle, you can start the troubleshooting by checking the air filter.
The spark plug within your car requires an optimal mixture of air and fuel. In the case of a dirty air filter, there is less air and this disallows the spark plug from sparking the mixture effectively. And this is the reason behind an engine misfiring and causing jerks. Replacing your car's air filter can completely solve this problem.
Drop in fuel efficiency
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Your car's mileage depends a lot on the optimal airflow within your car's engine. A clogged-up air filter prevents that from happening and eventually leads to reduced fuel efficiency. Initially, your car's fuel efficiency won't drop by much but after a while, you'll notice a gradual drop in that number. This is easy to spot these days since the instrument clusters on modern cars automatically show you their current mileage. When you notice that you have to enter the fuel pump more often than before, it's time to get the air filter checked.
Low power output
The power of an engine is understood by someone who has driven a particular car for a long period of time. Suddenly, the car starts giving delayed responses to the input or offers reduced pick-up speeds than before. This mainly happens when the car's engine stops receiving the ideal amount of clean air needed for it to function optimally. If you notice this with your car, it's time to have a look at your air filter. A new air filter can increase a car's performance by up to 11%. On the basis of these principles, a number of manufacturers sell what are called Performance Air Filters. How effective they really are is up for debate but if your old air filter has deteriorated, you will definitely experience a change in the power output of your car upon using one of these.
Check engine light
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This one's pretty straightforward. The ‘Check Engine' sign in your instrument panel lights up when there's something wrong with the car's engine. There are plenty of reasons why it could turn on, but a clogged-up air filter could be one of them.
None of these indications should be taken lightly if you wish to ensure a long life for your car's engine. So the next time you experience any of them, do remember to check the air filter of your car first.