How to Reverse A Car Easily - Complete Guide
How to Drive a Car in the Reverse Gear easily - Complete Guide
Going backwards in a straight line
Check everything from every angle - turn your head and shoulders to look around your vehicle in a full circle, this is called a "360-degree check". Before you back up, make sure nothing is in your way or coming up behind you that you might need to account for.
You can use your mirrors to help you check, but you still need to look around physically to make sure you don't miss any blind spots.
Use your head and side mirrors to check the ground on either side of your car to make sure there are no people or animals in your way.
2. Keep your right foot on the brake pedal
Your right foot should be on the gas or brake pedal when going forwards or backwards. In a car with a manual transmission, the clutch is controlled by the left foot, while the left foot is not used in cars with automatic transmission. When you're in reverse, put down your right foot on the brake pedal when you want to stop the car from moving.
3. Place your right hand on the steering wheel's upper-middle section
Usually, you drive with both your hands. But when you are backing up, it is better to just use one of your hands - your right hand in the 12 O'clock position. Backing with one hand is much easier than with both hands.
4. Put the car in reverse gear
The reverse gear is at a different position in different cars. You should know the reverse gear in your own car. For automatic cars, it is usually denoted by an 'R'. For manual transmission cars, it is denoted with an 'R' as well. You will need to shift the gear to the right slot in order to put the car in the reverse gear.
5. Look behind the car over the passenger side shoulder
If your view isn't blocked, twist your body to the passenger side so you can look over your left or passenger side shoulder and look out the back window of your car. Make sure to always keep your foot on the brake if you are using a car with automatic transmission. If you are driving a box truck or a vehicle with a rear window that blocks your view, you will have to use your side mirrors to guide you.
You can put your left hand on top of the passenger seat to get a better view of what's behind you.
If you rely on your mirrors, make sure to check each one often. Nowadays, some cars are equipped with rear reverse cameras to help the process.
6. Slowly take your right foot off the brake
If you take your right foot off the brake pedal, the car will move backwards. Most car engines idle at enough RPM (revolutions per minute) to move the car even when the gas pedal is not pressed. Keep your foot close to the brake pedal as you back up, in case you need to stop or slow down.
Slowly let off the brake so that you don't speed up too quickly and lose control.
If your car has standard transmission, you need to give it gas as soon as you let go of the clutch. After that, you can let the engine idle.
Last Updated on May 30, 2022