How To Care For Your Diecast Collection To Keep It Looking New
Diecast cars can range from generic car and vehicle models to carefully crafted collector's cars. Such cars are high in value and need to be preserved carefully. Miniature cars don't need much maintenance but need regular cleaning and careful storage and display arrangements. Here are some things you should take care of if you want to keep your miniature car collection shining bright like a diamond.
Storage arrangements
Vintage diecast cars that come packed and are in mint condition need to be stored in a safe space. If you want to put the cars on display, you need to pick a glass shelf or a display case. A fabricated display frame can also be a solution to your storage problems. Many collectors' cars are different in size and shape. These can be accommodated with differently sized fabricated display frames. Make sure that the car is not exposed to direct headwind. Keep it in a closed space to minimize dust build-up.
Maintenance throughout the car's lifecycle
Diecast cars need to be stored at room temperature as excessive heat can damage the paint and wax. They also need to be wax coated before storage to minimize dust collection and to protect the paint on the car. They can be polished or re-waxed if you see that the previous coat is fading or is no longer effective. It is advisable to invest in a car detailing kit as it comes with proper applicators, cleaning solutions and wax. Make sure that you dust the cars regularly. If some of your cars are tarnishing, you can place them in an anti-tarnish bag as well.
Cleaning the car in the right way
How you clean your diecast car depends on the kind of dirt it has accumulated- decal residue, dust, stains, etc. If the stains are not tough, you can glam up your miniature beauty with a microfibre cloth until it shines. Use a damp cloth and rub with the required force to take out tougher stains. You can even use mild soapy water if the car's paint is safe for washing with soap. For vintage cars and collectors' additions, use cleaning solutions specifically made for miniature cars to ensure that the cleaning damage is minimum.
- Cleaning the nooks and crevices
Use a damp or dry make-up brush or paint brush to clean the tiny corners of the car.
- Cleaning adhesive residue
Use a mild adhesive cleaner that will melt away the residue but will not affect the paint. Ask your supplier for such details before buying the product.
- Cleaning the insides
The best way to clean the car inside-out is to dismantle and clean it properly. However, don't take this step if you are not sure that you'll be able to perfectly re-assemble the car. It might be safe to immerse the car in water to clean it properly, but do take precaution.
Which cars do you have in your collection?