
What To Know When Driving In The Rain

Weather is one of the main factors that car drivers should consider when riding a vehicle. Some weather conditions can be difficult to navigate, even for seasoned drivers.

By car&bike Team


1 mins read


Published on February 10, 2022

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    Weather plays a huge part in the way people travel from one destination to the other. When the weather is rough, it is advisable to not travel in certain vehicles to prevent accidents. There are emergency periods when the car needs to be brought out during harsh weather. There are certain tips that people who travel should keep in mind to avoid any hassles.


    Checking the tyre treads

    The tyre treads are necessary to push out the water from the wet roads and ensure enough traction between the road and the tyre. Worn out tyre treads significantly reduce friction, leading to the vehicle spinning out of control. Make sure the treads are perfect and even.


    Waiting for the first wave out

    Waiting for the weather conditions to get better is a safe option which experts suggest everyone should do. That includes avoiding the rains since the car is more likely to suffer accidents.

    Checking the brake system

    Brakes are crucial when driving in monsoon season. Ensure that the pedals move smoothly, and the brake application is not lagging. Check the brake fluid's level and get it filled if the fluid is not filled up to the mark.

    Driving slowly

    The advisable thing to do is to decrease the speed by a third. It is also important to keep the distance from other vehicles to avoid accidents. That is made possible when the speed is slower than usual.


    Using lights

    Lights are important to navigate through the difficult weather. It indicates to other riders about the vehicle's presence, thus avoiding accidents.

    Going through puddles

    Splashing water might be a fun exercise for some, but it is strictly advised against. There are a few reasons why puddles should be avoided. The puddle's depth is impossible to judge from above – that could lead to accidents. The water might reach the spark plug, damaging it severely. It is basic etiquette to not splash water on pedestrians or parked vehicles.

    Aggressive riding

    The fact is that riding in monsoon is different from normal days. On normal days, harsh driving might not be such a problem. But on rainy days, that can be a major issue. Aggressively accelerating or applying brakes can lead to the vehicle losing grip of the road and spinning into an accident.

    Keeping the tank filled

    Being stuck in the middle of nowhere in monsoon season is a nightmare. That is why the tank must be filled up to the mark.

    Having the proper gear

    That includes having the proper helmet and a raincoat. The helmet shouldn't get foggy while driving, and the raincoat prevents the driver from getting cold and losing concentration.

    Exercising extreme caution is the key to a safe driving experience during the monsoon as the chances of accidents are considerably high during rains and bad weather conditions.

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