
Essential Components of a Car Cleaning Kit

Car cleaning kits have become extremely popular in India now that car owners have begun to understand the importance of vehicular upkeep. If you are car owner that takes pride in keeping your car's paint job as spotless and radiant as possible, here's a look at what comprises of a near perfect DIY car cleaning kit.

By Ishaan Rastogi


1 mins read


Published on December 27, 2015

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    Car cleaning kits have become extremely popular in India now that the current generation of car owners have finally understood the importance of proper vehicular upkeep. The past decade has seen the Indian automotive industry explode into life as consumers have been consistently getting better educated as to the importance of purchasing a car that suits them and looks good rather than finding any run-of-the-mill tin-box as an acceptable means of transport. No longer are cars just a means of getting from one point to another; many people now consider them to be an extension of their personality. For such people, maintaining their car properly is critical.

    Maintaining your car or bike is much like taking care of a baby; you look after it, feed it engine oil and fuel when required, and are angered at the very thought of someone leaving a scratch on it. A tiny blemish can ruin the look of your pretty car but swapping paint has become a plight that most Indian drivers are forced to live with thanks to our congested roads and lack of driving etiquette. It's unavoidable and when exactly it's going to happen cannot be predicted and is out of the driver's control.

    However one aspect that most definitely is in the owners hands is how well the paint job naturally weathers over time. If you fall in the category of car owners that takes pride in keeping their paint job as spotless and radiant as possible, here's a look at what comprises of a near perfect DIY car cleaning kit.

    1. Car Shampoo: Find yourself a good anti-corrosive, oil-free car shampoo that cleans the surface without degrading the paintwork.

    2. Microfibre Cloth: The reason a microfibre cloth is preferred to a standard cloth or sponge is because microfibre picks up fine dust particles as opposed to dragging them across the surface which may leave residual patches and, over time, can significantly reduce the sheen of the paintwork. Also keep a spare dry cloth handy to absorb excess water.

    3. Wheel and Carpet Brushes: Keep these stiff-bristled brushes in your kit to properly detail your alloys and keep your carpets clean.

    4. Small Rubber Squeegee: The most effective way to dry a windscreen without scratching it or leaving residual dried water patches is by using a rubber squeegee to wipe away the soapy solution. There's a reason window cleaners world over use the simple squeegee!

    5. Car Wax: Although it isn't absolutely essential towards keeping your car clean, waxing your car seasonally will help bring out and maintain the glossiness of the car's paintwork.

    6. Car Vacuum Cleaner: Again, not an essential, but a portable car vacuum clear does wonders towards keeping the insides of your car clean as it's able to suck out dirt even from hard to reach corners and crevices


    Last Updated on December 27, 2015

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