Car Logo Quiz

- A quiz based on logos of cars is quite interesting
- We will talk about logos of various cars from generations together
- The discussion focused on car logos may be the starting point
If you wish to participate in any car logo quiz contest, you will do well to have a peek into the past of a particular car and how its logo saw the light of the day. A logo of a product instantly unleashes the forces of brand recollection and brand identity. We will discuss some of the most famous cars and their equally well-known logos.
One should have a look at the following cars and their logos that instantly make you recall the car and its various variants:
Toyota redesigned its logo in 1989. There are three ovals overlapping one another. The inner two ovals subtly represent a T that is stylized. The vertical of the letter T represents the manufacturer's mission while the vertical represents customer expectation.

The inner oval is shaped like a needle owing to the origin of the manufacturer's occupation before he decided to produce the car. The manufacturer was in an industrial loom business in which needles are indispensably used.

The name has been imported from a French explorer's name Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac. He was the founder of Detroit. The symbol consists of coloured bands three in number. They represent boldness, virtue and valour. There is also a crown and there is a wreath. There are many Merganser ducks crafted on the logo. The ducks were later removed from the logo.
3. Audi

During the 20th century, the company went for consolidation by incorporating many companies into a single business unit. The four original companies were Audi, DKW, Horch, and Wanderer.
In the previous logo, all these companies' names were included. The texts were written within the interlocking rings. Later, the texts were removed and the interlocking rings remained.
4. BMW

There are blue and white colours in the logo of the car. The colours represented Bavarian motor works. Bavarian constructed aircraft engines.
5. Subaru
The name originated from the star Pleiades in the cluster M45 Taurus. Fuji heavy industries were the parent company of Subaru. The first president of the company liked the name.
6. Chevrolet
The car has a bowtie logo that was inspired by William C. Durant, the cofounder of Chevrolet and General Motors. It is believed that the logo was designed by him on a piece of paper. Other accounts voice the opinion that it was designed by his daughter. Some people opine that the logo and the name were borrowed from some newspaper advertisement. The logo is modelled after the flag of Switzerland. It was in honour of his friend Louis Chevrolet that the name of the car was founded.
7. Mercedes-Benz
The car has a pair of star logos. At first, there were four points of the star but it was rejected and three points prevailed. This three-pointed star was idealized by the symbol of Gottlieb Daimler.
8. Saab
The Swedish car manufacturer AB SkaniaVabis merged with Saab Automobile in 1969. The car today has the symbol of Griffin but it was not there before 1984. General Motors bought the company in 2000 and it was redesigned then. Saab of today has only text logos because after the company went bankrupt, the company Skania did not permit Saab to use the Griffin in the logo.
Last Updated on April 30, 2022