Buddh International Circuit To Hold Track Day On September 2, 2018

The Buddh International Circuit, India's only Grade 1 circuit, which held the Indian Grand Prix in 2011, 2012 and 2013, will hold an open track day on September 2, 2018. The event, which will be run as a time trial will include both cars and two wheelers and will have independent slots for normal cars, sports cars, bikes below 400cc and bikes above 400cc. Participants will be able to use 30 min driving slots for cars or 25 min riding slots for two wheelers in order to enjoy the track for a safe - yet fast driving or riding experience. The last date for registrations is August 30, 2018. Incidentally, the BIC is also where India's most credible automotive awards, the NDTV Car And Bike Awards hosts its jury round to test the best cars and bikes of the year.
The cost structure is as follows:
Class | Time Slot | Cost Per Driver / Rider |
Cars | 30 mins | 6500 |
Sports Cars / Supercars | 30 mins | 9500 |
Bikes upto 400cc | 25 mins | 2750 |
Superbikes | 25 mins | 3900 |

Drivers or riders are also given the option of sharing their cars or bikes on track for their respective sessions. Since this is will be a timed session, the track will also provide the option of attaching a timed transponder to the car in order to record track times. While there is no real 'competition' at this particular track day and all participants are expected to follow track rules to the T, having a quick lap time always helps with bragging rights.

The BIC also offers the option of having a passenger sit in the car while the driver is driving (with safety gear of course) or a guest at the pitlane at a nominal fee so that more people can enjoy the atmosphere that a professional track can offer. Teams or drivers are also allowed mechanics at a nominal fee in case some work or tuning needs to be done on the cars.

While drivers and riders from Delhi have frequented the track on a regular basis, there have been a steady increase in cars/drivers and bikers from different cities - as far as the likes of Mumbai and even Bangalore who have trucked their cars to the track in order to participate in the BIC track days. While the track day culture has been prevalent in countries abroad for decades now, the fact that this is happening in India and at an almost monthly basis is great and should definitely be encouraged.
For More information, you can get in touch with the good folks at the BIC on the phone at +91 120 4429499 / 98 or email them at bic.timetrial@jalindia.co.in
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- Buddh International Circuit To Hold Track Day On September 2, 2018