
7 Simple Things to Increase Car Mileage!

Cars are a blessing to mankind. Imagine all the things that wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for cars.

By car&bike Team


1 mins read


Published on January 13, 2022

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    The world is largely dependent on cars that run on fossil fuels as their primary mode of transport. After all, fuel is food for the car! Every year, people worldwide drive more than 1 billion miles combined!

    Fossil fuels have been depleting rapidly, leading to a steady increase in prices. Cars need fuel for their functioning, but over the past few years, all types of fuel prices have increased at a steady rate, making it necessary to ensure that fuel is utilized efficiently.

    Car servicing

    A well-maintained car that goes through regular servicing tends to consume 40% less fuel than those that are not serviced. Factors like low engine oil and blocked filters increase fuel consumption as well.


    Check the tire pressure


    If the tire pressure is below the optimum level, it increases the drag of the vehicle, which leads to more fuel consumption. It has been found that if a tire has 40% less air pressure than the optimum level, it burns 8% more fuel.

    Turn off your car

    If you have to wait at a place for more than 10 seconds, you should turn off the car. An idle car burns off up to 3 liters per hour. So, for example, if you are at a traffic signal, turn off the car and wait. This can increase fuel efficiency.

    Drive slower

    According to studies, poor driving habits like driving faster and overaccelerating decrease fuel economy by 15-30%. Drive within the speed limit and accelerate wisely!


    Remove excess weight

    It is ideal to keep the car light and avoid overloading.  So often, there are items in the car that we don't need, and they end up reducing our fuel efficiency. For example, if you drive a car with a roof rack, remove it when unnecessary as it puts an excessive load on the car.


    Choosing the right gear

    It is important to be careful with gear while driving as a wrong one may lead to negative fuel consumption. The gear should be changed according to the speed. An automatic gear is ideal and helps with optimal fuel utilization.

    Good fueling practices

    Check for brands that offer better quality fuel. Nowadays, you can check the quality of the fuel-free of cost at stations.


    Have a habit of keeping the tank more than 1/4th filled. If the tank has less than 1/4th capacity, the fuel pump will have to work harder. This would lead to even more fuel consumption!

    With the rapid pace at which EVs are being developed, we may soon be rid of the worries regarding fuel efficiency. But till the time EVs are easily available, following these fuel efficiency practices will certainly ease the burden on the pockets.

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