The Evolution Of EV Bikes
While electric bikes have recently gained recognition, the initial concept was developed during the 1880s. They are a cheaper, cleaner and efficient means of transport that can help counter global warming. Currently there are over 40 million e-bikes in the world, gaining popularity in regions like Germany and Spain. It is also estimated that there are more than 120 million e-bikes that are active in China alone.
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The term e-bike signifies the addition of an electrical battery to the bike. These either facilitate the propelling or provide additional features that allow the bikes to be used both as a motor-powered and a manual vehicle. Their initial patents were registered in offices in both France and the United States. French technology featured a three-wheel electric model without pedals which could be controlled with a hand lever system. In the US, a battery-powered bicycle was developed. This bicycle had its hub motor mounted inside the rear wheel. Its battery was placed inside the central triable of the frame. Such a concept is similar to the modern motorcycles.
Early Days Of The E-Bike
After the initial patents, many new bicycle designs and models fitted with electric support starting popping up. Hosea W Libbey of Boston, in 1897 developed a model that propelled using a double motor. This motor was designed to sit inside the crank set axel, working on principles similar to the mid-drive motor which can be seen on some bikes today.
Commercial Production And Innovation
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With demand and innovation, the earliest mass production of e-bikes began in the 20th century. The bikes gained immense popularity in the European markets. These models were high in power and potential. Initially Phillips and Simplex collaborated to make the 1932 Phillips Simplex Electric bike. Gradually Japanese players like Panasonic (1975) and Sanyo Enacle (1989) entered the market. Rising competition in the field promoted higher innovation in the sector.
One of the most significant innovations came in the form of the ‘Pedelec' or pedalled electric bicycle. In this model, motor action was triggered whenever pedal action was registered by the vehicle, providing assistance to the pedalling. Today, such bicycles provide help to cardiac patients and patients looking to improve their mobility through assistance.
Modern e-bikes ruling the roads
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By the early 2000s e-bikes had gained enough popularity and went by names like power-bike, Pedelec, Pedal-assisted, etc. Today e-bikes come with high-end technology, making them more reliable, comfortable and long-lasting. Some bikers also modify their bikes with custom tyres, fittings and appearances. Such bikes are also called hybrid bikes and are used in bike sports as well. With functions ranging from off-roading, sports to daily use, e-bikes are all set to become the bike of the future.
Last Updated on April 30, 2022
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