The Aprilia Tuareg 660 was launched in India at a staggering price of Rs. 18.85 lakh, going up to Rs. 19.16 lakh (ex-showroom). We take a look at how the prices of the rival motorcycles stack up against the Tuareg 660
Now, it needs to be noted that the Tuareg 660 doesn’t have a direct rival in India, unless you consider the Triumph Tiger Sport 660, which is a road-biased sport tourer priced at Rs. 9.34 lakh, that is a massive difference of Rs. 9.51 lakh, compared to the prices of the Tuareg 660
The recently launched Suzuki V-Strom 800 DE is priced at Rs. 10.3 lakh, which is about Rs. 8.55 lakh cheaper than the Tuareg 660
The Honda Transalp was launched in India a few months ago and carries a sticker price of Rs. 11 lakh, which is Rs. 7.85 lakh cheaper than the Aprilia ADV
Triumph Motorcycles India recently launched its updated Tiger 900 range in India. The road-biased Tiger 900 GT is priced at Rs. 13.95 lakh and the off-road oriented Tiger 900 Rally Pro is priced at Rs. 15.95 lakh. The Tiger 900 GT is about Rs. 4.90 lakh cheaper while the Rally Pro is about Rs. 2.9 lakh cheaper than the Tuareg 660.
Our time with the Ducati DesertX revealed that it is an extremely capable motorcycle, be it on the road and especially off road as well. The motorcycle is priced at Rs. 18.33 lakh, which is about 50,000 cheaper than the Aprilia.
Lastly, the BMW F 850 GS, it is priced at Rs. 12.95 lakh while the better-equipped F 850 GS Adventure is priced at Rs. 13.75 lakh. Both motorcycles are Rs. 5.9 lakh and Rs. 5.1 lakh cheaper than the Tuareg 660 respectively
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