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Honda Shine Sold 90 Lakh Bikes in India!

Here's all you need to know:
What’s the price- The Honda Shine bike is sold at an affordable price of ₹ 69,415 in India
When was the Bike Launched- In the year 2006 the first Honda Shine was sole, completing a milestone of 14 years
The Record Maker and Breaker- By selling 10 lakh bikes in 54 months of the launch it had set a new record in the market. 30 lakh sales were achieved in the year 2014
The Bestseller- In the category of 125 cc commuter engine, Honda Shine shines in the Indian market with 39% of the market share in its category
The growth of the brand- A YOY growth of 26% was observed in the Shine brand in November 2020
How has the bike changed from Time to Time- To meet the increasing buyer expectations, the two-wheeler manufacturer has continuously upgraded the Shine brand with the latest technology and modern features
The Trust in the Indian Market- Shine maintains a strong sense of confidence and Peace of Mind among new buyers, thanks to a very high rate of user recommendation
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