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KTM Developing a Semi-Automatic Gearbox?

Austrian bike maker KTM is working on a semi-automatic gearbox, which if successful, could make its way into the next-generation of 1290 cc range of motorcycles in KTM’s portfolio
New Gearbox Design
Image credit: @motorcyclenews
The semi-automatic gearbox construction incorporates a centrifugal clutch, along with a separate gear control unit for shifting gears
A mechanism incorporated in the design will function as a parking brake, providing a solution to prevent the motorcycle from rolling off a gradient, while providing an additional level of security
Features a Parking Brake
Auto Gear Shifting
For shifting gears, instead of a foot-operated format, a gearshift motor will take over the responsibility of moving the gear shifter mechanism for change gears
Image credit @motorcyclenews
Clutchless Operation
A centrifugal clutch will replace the conventional manual clutch, allowing the rider to start off and come to a halt without stalling the engine
Besides a full auto operation of the gearbox, one could expect a button-type system provided at the handlebar, or an electronically foot-operated shifter conventionally mounted at the foot peg
Button-Operated Gear Changing
Bikes to Receive the Tech
If cleared, the new tech will make its way into the next-generation of 1290 cc range of motorcycles like the 1290 Super Duke R and GT, and 1290 Super Adventure models
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