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Is a New Car Your Best Option or a Used Car?

Buyers can choose from several varieties of new and used cars in the market today
It is important to examine a few factors before you zero in on buying a new or used car
For starters, a new car does give you several advantages. You get more features and the latest model
You also benefit from covering costs under warranties if something goes wrong and there are fewer breakdowns to worry about
Yet, used cars are significantly cheaper than new cars and new cars have a quicker depreciation rate as well. You can also get a certified used car that comes with warranty
Yes, used cars are usually last-generation models and may seem slightly outdated, while there could be more maintenance issues to worry about
However, for those on a budget, used cars could well be the way to go, while new cars are okay for those who are comfortable paying more upfront
Looking for a car that perfectly fits your budget? You might find it here:
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