
Car Tyre Maintenance: Dos and Don'ts

Wear and tear are expected, with your tyres taking all the burden of endless rugged driving. Here's a list of some simple tips to keep your tyres in good shape.

By car&bike Team


1 mins read


Published on December 15, 2021

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    Your car relies on its wheels for good performance and enhanced control. Without properly maintained tyres, vehicles are at a significant risk. Like the other components of your car, tyres require intensive care. Since the tyres are the only thing constantly in contact with the unforgiving terrains, they are prone to wearing out.

    Well, have you been thinking of how to take care of car tyres? The good news is that car tyre care is pretty trouble-free. Read on as we elaborate upon some tyre care tips!


    Photo Credit: unsplash.com

    Tyres Shouldn't Be Under or Over-Inflated

    If you face issues with the accelerator, brakes, or steering, perhaps checking the tyre pressure is a good idea. Especially in the cold weather, you should aim for car tyre pressure checks at least once or twice a month. There is a good chance you'll find the need to adjust the inflation in the tyres.

    Wheel Alignment

    Every 25,000 km or maybe once a year, you should treat your car tyres with wheel alignment. Doing this will prevent uneven tread wear. The daily impacts of railroad crossings, potholes, and other rough terrains can depreciate your car's tyres. These adjustments will also contribute to reducing tyre wear.

    Rotate Your Car's Tyres Regularly

    You might not be aware, but rotating your car's tyres can improve its performance and lifespan. Most car-owners and drive ignore the need for rotating the car tyre. The truth is that your car tyre needs rotation every six months or once in every 12,000 km. Rotation ensures even tyre tread wear that prevents the tyres from wearing out too soon.


    Photo Credit: unsplash.com

    Inspect Before Long Road Trips

    At the time of car washing or inflating your car's tyres, do a physical inspection as well. It would help if you looked for bulges, cracks, or anything that could've punctured the tyres. If any of these objects puncture your tyre's sidewall, the tyre would require replacement. You may also opt for a complete professional inspection before making long road trips to ensure proper safety.

    Never Overload the Vehicle

    You can learn about the overall weight-bearing capacity of your car on the placard on your car's door. Shockingly, overloading the car can be one of the prime causes of tyre failure. If not outright tyre failure, it'll still lead to poor handling controls.

    Avoid Installing Mismatched Tyres

    Installing mismatched tyres is a rookie mistake that most drivers are tempted to make. Mismatched tyres tend to negatively impact the control and handling of your car. What's more, it can cause wear and tear for the rest of the tyres. Moreover, it can also be fatalistic for other components in your car.


    Photo Credit: unsplash.com

    So, don't wait for your car's tyres to give up till the last moment. With these car tyre care tips, you can prolong the life of your car's tyres.


    Last Updated on December 15, 2021

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