
Top Tips For Riding Two-Wheelers During Monsoon

Here are few tips that you need to remember when riding your two wheeler during monsoon.

By car&bike Team


3 mins read


Published on May 30, 2023

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  • Wear high visibility gear to be seen on the road and in dull conditions
  • Be gentle on the throttle and the brakes to avoid losing control
  • Mind your surroundings at all times during monsoon

The monsoons are about to arrive soon. While for some motorcyclists, it’s time to head out for long rides and road trips, for others it’s an inconvenience they have to deal with during their daily commute. So, whether you love riding during the monsoon or hate it, you have to be prepared for the worse in either case. While you may not be as fast as you are on a dry surface, a little precaution and lots of practice will ensure that you are safe while riding in the rain. And here are some tips and tricks that can help ride better during monsoon. 


Also Read: Top 5 Important Car Care Tips For The Monsoon


1. Always Gear Up




Rain or not, you must always gear up while riding a two-wheeler. The bare minimum is to invest in a good full-face helmet, gloves and fully covers boots. We would advise you to invest in proper gear like a riding jacket, riding boots, and pants or knee guards. At the same time, remember to check your helmet visor for any scratches and replace it if necessary. You can also apply some car wax on the helmet visor to avoid water build-up that obstructs your vision.


2. Be Visible To Others

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We aren’t saying you are invisible, but yes, two-wheelers, more often than not, are in the blind spot of cars and other big vehicles. So, the most important ability for a motorcyclist on the road, irrespective of the fact that it’s raining or not, is to be visible to others. You can do that by wearing high-visibility clothing and putting reflective stickers on your riding jacket and the two-wheeler as well. It would also be wise to choose high-viz colours for your helmet rather than black. 


3. Inspect The Tyres And Electricals




Ensure that your tyres are in good shape. A worn-out tyre substantially increases your chances of skidding and is a safety hazard in every sense. That's why make sure to replace your old tyres before the monsoon. So, keep checking for flat spots and cracks on your tyre. Similarly, inspect your electricals as well. Make sure all lights, switches, bulbs and indicators are in working order. Replace and repair any parts that aren't working. 


4. Be Gentle On The Throttle


Bajaj Pulsar Monsoon LEAD 2022 08 17 T07 11 14 402 Z

Wet roads can be quite slippery and can cause aquaplaning as well. So, go gentle on the throttle. So, you need to be extra cautious during the monsoon and avoid overspeeding at all costs. Twist it too hard and you are likely to spin the wheel, lose traction, and slip. Instead, try and build speed in a linear manner, so you are in more control of the situation. This also helps if other road users lose control. It gives you a fighting chance to safeguard yourself. At the same time, do go easy on the brakes as well. Do not brake hard! 


5. Keep Distance

mumbai monsoon traffic

During monsoons, it’s best to keep a safe distance from other vehicles on the road. With less traction, you would require more distance to safely come to a halt. Moreover, your vision is obstructed by rain that will further hinder your judgement. So, be safe and keep a distance from the vehicle in front of you. You will also be seen easily by the driver in front as the distance helps make you a part of their peripheral view.


Also Read: Top Five Tips To Keep Your Car's Windscreen Clean And Defogged In Monsoon


6. Know When Not To Ride




Riding in heavy rains should be strictly avoided. You also need to be careful of low-lying areas that have a higher risk of flooding. Do remember, when in doubt, wait it out. 

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